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Herzl Erin Tristeza

Herzl holds a Bachelor degree in Community Development in the University of the Philippines, with special focus on gender and development. She has been with the bank since 2018 and apart from assisting in project processing and TA administration, she's also keen at organizing events. Prior to ADB, she worked in the government as Development Management Officer (Gender and Development) in Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  

Lorie Ann Dusaran

Rianne joined ADB in May 2010, initially as an Administrative Assistant under BPMSD, providing support in recruiting international staff. In 2012, she transferred to COSO as Procurement Assistant, supporting the Procurement Support Unit. Rianne stayed there for almost seven years and gained knowledge on procurement while witnessing the department's transformation from COSO to OSFMD to PPFD (LOL!). In 2019, she transferred to SATC as an Associate Project Analyst.

Ana Theresa Cervantes

Ana Theresa (Tere) Cervantes is a graduate of Political Science from the University of the Philippines. She has been with the bank for 11 years and worked in South Asia, formerly SSDC, and Pacific Departments in various capacities. At present, she is a project analyst supporting project administration of Solomon Islands and Nauru projects.

Ryan Bert Peralta

Ryan provides support in project implementation, administration, and portfolio monitoring for the water and urban development sector office. He is a licensed mechanical engineer with more than 19 years of combined experience in project implementation/administration and procurement/consultant recruitment with multilateral and bilateral development banks. Prior to joining ADB in 2014, he worked for the SGS Gulf Limited, and the Development Bank of the Philippines.