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Siti Hasanah

Siti Hasanah manages ADB-financed projects and activities for the urban development and water sector. Prior to ADB, she was a staff at the Ministry of Public Works in Indonesia. She holds a master's degree in city planning from the University of California, Berkely.

Allison Woodruff

Allison Woodruff is an environmental and natural resource economist with more than 15 years’ experience working on urban water supply and sanitation and natural resource management projects in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. She joined ADB in 2008 as a Young Professional. Prior to this, she held positions with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, United Nations Development Programme, and other Canadian government and nongovernment organizations.

Stephen Blaik

Steve Blaik is a Principal Urban Development Specialist with ADB’s Pacific Department. He is a civil engineer by trade and spent most of his 37-year career working on urban and water sector activities in the Pacific including the past 17 years as ADB staff.

Alan Baird

Alan Baird has over 30 years of experience in water supply, wastewater management, drainage, and flood alleviation. He has worked with water service providers in the private and public sectors in project delivery and technical advisory roles. He joined ADB in 2010 and currently supports ADB urban and water sector clients in Southeast Asia. He is a chartered engineer and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Neeta Pokhrel

Neeta Pokhrel has over 27 years of experience working with various organizations, such as the ADB, private sector, international consulting firms, non-governmental organizations, and water utilities. She leads the strategic development of ADB’s water and urban development sector in the Pacific and Southeast Asia to meet its goal of a resilient and water secure Asia and the Pacific.


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Penelope Dutton

Penny Dutton is a social specialist with 30 years of experience in water supply, sanitation and hygiene programs across the Asia Pacific region. Her ADB experience spans 15 projects and includes research, behaviour change communications, gender equity and social inclusion. She has participated in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of sanitation projects, while working with utilities, government ministries, and NGOs. Recently she helped develop guidance materials for ADB staff on City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation.

Isabel Blackett

Isabel has over 30 years of working experience focusing on increasing equity and working with governments to develop at-scale poor-inclusive urban sanitation services. Since 2017 she has worked on consulting assignments in Asia with World Bank, ADB, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WaterAid, GIZ and others.

Meera Mehta

Meera has 45 years of experience in inclusive water and sanitation service delivery, urban planning and development and infrastructure finance across Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. She is a Professor Emeritus at CEPT University and the Centre Head of the Center for Water and Sanitation. She was on the board of the Stockholm-based inter-governmental organization Global Water Partnership (GWP). She is currently on the board of IRC, a global not-for-profit organization.

Thomas Kennedy

Tom has over 35 years of experience in the water/wastewater fields, spanning both the public and private sectors and includes all aspects of water/wastewater utility operations, management, policy, and information systems.  Tom served on the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Water Authority for over seven year.