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Tony Wong

A Civil Engineer, with a PhD in Water Resources Engineering, Tony is internationally recognized for his research and practice in sustainable urban water management, particularly in Water Sensitive Urban Design. His expertise has been gained through national and international consulting, research, and academia. Throughout his career, he has led collaboration and translation of research insights into innovative practices in urban water management.

Terence van Kalken

Terry is a senior expert in flood and water resource management with over 30 years’ experience gained from projects in South and Southeast Asia, Australasia, Europe, North and South America and Africa. His specialist expertise includes hydrological and hydraulic modelling for flooding, drainage and river basin management studies, decision support and warning systems and applications to climate change impact assessments and adaption strategies.

Steven Wade

Steven has 27 years of experience in progressively senior and varied roles at Atkins, HR Wallingford and the Met Office. He has been engaged in climate risk assessment in the Water Sector since the late 1990s and has developed the risk assessment methods and tools used by the water industry as well as led the UK’s first national Climate Change Risk Assessment, published in 2012. He also developed CRA Knowledge Products for ADB on the WEIDAP project in Vietnam.

Seiichi Sasaki

Seiichi has over a 18-year of professional experience in strengthening water sector development (e.g., water, wastewater, solid wait management). He specializes in climate resilient resources management addressing sound policy and regulatory framework, risk reduction and sets out the rationale in development along with integrated approaches (e.g., IWRM, RBM, WUA, EU WFD, etc.) through dialoguing in areas of technical, political, and institutional assistance to national governments, public and private sectors.

Saule Baurzhan

Saule has fifteen years of experience in conducting fully integrated, financial, and economic cost-benefit analysis (CBA). She provides technical assistance to governments in the appraisal of public investment projects and gives lectures in investment appraisal training programs to build the capacity of government and donor agencies’ officials. Her portfolio covers the agriculture, power, health, water, and transportation sectors in Africa and Asia.

Peter Droogers

Peter is an expert on integrated water resources management at different spatial scales with emphasis on water for food issues, climate change, decision support systems, simulation modeling in combination with data mining and remote sensing. Peter has about 20 years of experience working in The Netherlands and overseas (as a resident in Sri Lanka and Turkey).

Johannes Hunink

Johannes Hunink is a senior hydrologist at FutureWater specialized in climate risks, water security and integrated water resources management. He is experienced in the use of quantitative tools, simulation models and remote sensing for assessing climate change impacts on water availability, demand, shortages, water productivity, and water-dependent ecosystem services.  Trained as a computational geographer, he has skills to manage large datasets and process satellite data to evaluate scenarios and solutions, and integrate these into strategic decision making processes.

Jeremy Bird

Jeremy specializes in water resources policy, institutions and management. He has had a diverse career working across Asia and Africa including as Director General of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 2012-2017, CEO of the Mekong River Commission from 2008-2011, senior advisor to the World Commission on Dams, and senior water resources specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Jean Laboyrie

Jean has more than 35 years of working experience, is a Coastal and River Engineer with a MSc. Degree of the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and Business Administration courses at Insead Fontainebleau, France. owner of Delta Context B.V. from The Netherlands. Before joining Delta Context, Jean has been working for Technical University With Delft, Royal Dutch Navy, Deltares, Maritime Simulation Centre, Royal HaskoningDHV and CDR International.

Hui-June Shin

Hui-June worked as an economist for 30 years in Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC) which has been a leading public agency in Korea for land and water development for agriculture projects. KRC was the first agency in Korea who introduced economic and financial analysis by recommendation of international institutions who provided project loans. Hui-June worked there as an economist. Later KRC participated in international projects through successful bidding where he could accumulate more my experience as an economist.