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Water Supply and Sanitation Service Providers

Increasing Livability: An Introduction to Smart Cities

Increasing Livability: An Introduction to Smart Cities

This free online course is ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund's (AASCTF)  first-ever e-learning course, which aims to catalyze people-centric smart city transformation while anchored on the Smart City Analytical Framework of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Through this course, learn how the holistic application of smart strategies and digital solutions can lead to practical, well-planned investments, and thriving cities for all. The course is specially designed for city planners and officials in Asia and the Pacific.


Avian Sensitivity Tool for Energy Planning (AVISTEP)

Submitted by ds-admin on Thu, 08/04/2022 - 12:40

AVISTEP as an upstream sensitivity mapping tool focusing on birds which provides a low cost solution to speeding up delivery of renewable energy projects. AVISTEP quickly allows developers and governments to identify sites of high wind and solar resources but with low environmental sensitivity ideal for renewables development, as well as sites of high sensitivity that should be avoided. The result of using such a tool will mean projects can be developed more quickly, gain regulatory approval and have easier access to lender finance.

Climate Action and Support Transparency Training Adaptation Academy

Climate Action and Support Transparency Training Adaptation Academy

The CASTT Adaptation Academy aims to enhance the ability of developing countries to conduct vulnerability and adaptation assessments, prepare and report, in timely manner, information resulting from such assessments and the implementation of national adaptation actions, including their Nationally Determined Contributions  for their national communications, biennial update reports, and biennial transparency reports under the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements of the Convention and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement.


Water Planning and Gender Perspectives in Asia and the Pacific

Water Planning and Gender Perspectives in Asia and the Pacific

ADB and UNESCO World Water Program will develop a course designed for representatives from ADB developing member country government agencies, water utilities, and ADB staff to integrate gender perspectives into the water planning and management sectors, including the development and use of gender-disaggregated data on WASH and climate. Participants will also receive training on the UNESCO WWAP Toolkit on Water and Gender. More information coming in Q4 2022. 


Resilient Rivers Hub

Submitted by ds-admin on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 15:06

The Resilient Rivers Hub provides a global platform for the exchange of river resilience knowledge and experience. It includes a Blueprint for River Resilience, RiverAcademy, 1000+ Resilient Rivers and various tools and case studies.

Towards Systemic Change in Urban Sanitation

Submitted by ds-admin on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 14:41

This working paper outlines a 'whole-system approach' to urban sanitation by shifting the focus from building infrastructure or a project-driven implementation approach to providing and maintaining equitable and environmentally friendly services, championed and supported by the government and with sufficient resources allocated to ensure sustainability. The paper uses a step by-step approach to unravel and tackle the very complex circumstances surrounding the need for sanitation in urban areas, particularly in densely populated areas and to the less affluent sectors of society.