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The ADB Water Sector Group has empaneled a pool of experts and consultants who can support ADB project officers and their counterpart executing and implementing agencies in various aspects of water security and resilience. Use Jal's Ask The Expert feature to raise detailed queries to our experts.

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Thomas Kennedy

Institutional Development Specialist
Tom has over 35 years of experience in the water/wastewater fields, spanning both the public and private sectors and includes all aspects of water/wastewater utility operations, management, policy, and information systems.  Tom served on the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Water Authority for over seven year. Tom has been a member of the American Water Works Association for over 20 years and serves on the Water Loss Control Committee where he is a co-author of the  4th and 5th…

Tony Wong

Strategic Water Sector Analysis Specialist
A Civil Engineer, with a PhD in Water Resources Engineering, Tony is internationally recognized for his research and practice in sustainable urban water management, particularly in Water Sensitive Urban Design. His expertise has been gained through national and international consulting, research, and academia. Throughout his career, he has led collaboration and translation of research insights into innovative practices in urban water management. He led a large number of award-winning urban…

Xianfu Lu

Paris Agreement Alignment Specialist
Xianfu is an independent climate scientist and adaptation specialist. Affiliated with the University of Oxford, she has been providing technical advisory services. Dr Lu’s work spans climate change adaptation science, policy and practice. She has worked across diverse institutional contexts, from academia, UN agencies, multilateral development banks to the private sector. Since 2011, Xianfu has been supporting the operationalisation of integrating physical climate risk management into MDB…

Yoshihiro Mizuno

Greenhouse Gas Emission Specialist
Yoshihiro Mizuno is an Executive Project Manager for PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. in Japan. He has worked for over decade in the fields of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, and Renewable Energy, addressing Environmental issues through engineering, policy, capacity building and high-level ICT tools. As Project Manager, he has led and designed numerous studies in Climate Resilience, particular in GHG emissions calculation and reduction, across the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, the…