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The ADB Water Sector Group has empaneled a pool of experts and consultants who can support ADB project officers and their counterpart executing and implementing agencies in various aspects of water security and resilience. Use Jal's Ask The Expert feature to raise detailed queries to our experts.

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Felix Seebacher

Climate Adaptation Specialist
Educated in Austria, Netherlands and USA I cover a wide range of water related topics. During the past 40+ years I have worked literally on most aspects of the water cycle, from rainfall all the way to groundwater on quantitative and qualitative aspects. Examples of projects implemented include: revitalisation of wetlands and river branches within a national park; cleaning up major groundwater contaminations; restoring lake water quality; major flood protection and mitigation projects; complex…

Ferdinand Diermanse

Climate Risks Specialist
Ferdinand is a senior specialist with an M. Sc. in applied mathematics and a Ph. D. in hydrology, both from Delft University of Technology. He is an expert in the field of flood risk analysis and management with over 20 years of work experience. His key qualifications are: probabilistic modeling, statistics, hydrology and integrated risk assessment. He has carried out numerous hydrological and risk assessments for a variety of inland and coastal water systems and published various papers on…

Gopalakrishna Bhat

Climate Adaptation Specialist
Gopalakhrisna, a geologist by profession, specializes in hazard risk and vulnerability assessment in South Asia. He has worked in different ecosystems ranging from cold deserts to per-humid regions. Recently, he published “Road to Resilience” a book providing menu of technologies for improving resilience at household and neighborhood levels. The book “Synergy for Sustainable Cities” explores multi-stakeholder led options to build urban resilience, which is based on Cultural theory. The latest…

Guillaume Fery

Water Management Systems Specialist
Water and sanitation engineer and project manager with more than 20 years’ of experience working at the intersection of technology deployment and water management. Has 10 years’ experience in operations in water utilities. A technology expert in the fields of smart cities, digital innovation and emerging tech for global technology consulting firms. Expertise includes water resources management, smart water strategy, data analysis, customer care, NRW reduction, utility digitalization, digital…

Heping Zuo

Climate Adaptation Specialist
Heping is an experienced climate change adaptation scientist and has substantial experiences in climate change risk analysis and adaptation, hydrological and hydraulic modelling in Australia and Asian countries. His PhD studies in the Australian National University were focused at research on the agroclimatology of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Peninsula Malaysia. In Australia, he carried out a number of research projects on climate risks for agricultural industries, and managed/involved…

Hui-June Shin

Climate Economist/Financial Analyst
Hui-June worked as an economist for 30 years in Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC) which has been a leading public agency in Korea for land and water development for agriculture projects. KRC was the first agency in Korea who introduced economic and financial analysis by recommendation of international institutions who provided project loans. Hui-June worked there as an economist. Later KRC participated in international projects through successful bidding where he could accumulate more my…

Isabel Blackett

Inclusive Sanitation Specialist
Isabel has over 30 years of working experience focusing on increasing equity and working with governments to develop at-scale poor-inclusive urban sanitation services. Since 2017 she has worked on consulting assignments in Asia with World Bank, ADB, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WaterAid, GIZ and others. From 2005-2016, she was a Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist with the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) and worked with Government departments and agencies to develop…

Jean Laboyrie

Climate Adaptation Specialist
Jean has more than 35 years of working experience, is a Coastal and River Engineer with a MSc. Degree of the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and Business Administration courses at Insead Fontainebleau, France. owner of Delta Context B.V. from The Netherlands. Before joining Delta Context, Jean has been working for Technical University With Delft, Royal Dutch Navy, Deltares, Maritime Simulation Centre, Royal HaskoningDHV and CDR International. In his field of technical…

Jeremy Bird

Strategic Water Sector Analysis Specialist
Jeremy specializes in water resources policy, institutions and management. He has had a diverse career working across Asia and Africa including as Director General of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 2012-2017, CEO of the Mekong River Commission from 2008-2011, senior advisor to the World Commission on Dams, and senior water resources specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). As an independent advisor,  Jeremy has supported policy and strategy formulation processes…

Johannes Hunink

Climate Risks Specialist
Johannes Hunink is a senior hydrologist at FutureWater specialized in climate risks, water security and integrated water resources management. He is experienced in the use of quantitative tools, simulation models and remote sensing for assessing climate change impacts on water availability, demand, shortages, water productivity, and water-dependent ecosystem services.  Trained as a computational geographer, he has skills to manage large datasets and process satellite data to evaluate scenarios…