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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 121 - 130 of 153

The SafePani model: Delivering safe drinking water in schools and healthcare centres in Bangladesh

by University of Oxford


This Story of Change presents the SafePani model in Bangladesh which aims to reform existing institutional design and move towards a professional water service delivery model, with timely and independently verified performance metrics unlocking results-based funding, with a focus on schools and healthcare centres.

Tidal parks


In an around the city of Rotterdam a broad coalition of governmental and non-governmental organisations is working on the restoration of tidal river bank, to restore the estuarine habitats and to improve the environment of the citizens of this port city: The Tidal Parks Programma XL.

Toward the Establishment of Sustainable Faecal Sludge Management - Lessons Learned from WEPA Partner Countries and Japan

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


This Policy Brief has been developed with the aim of: (i) investigating the existing situation and challenges on faecal sludge management in WEPA countries; (ii) identifying enabling factors for introducing and implementing appropriate business models for sustainable faecal sludge management, through selected case studies in WEPA countries; and (iii) initiating discussions on how lessons learned from Japan’s experiences in using Johkasou systems for human waste and faecal sludge management can be introduced to improve the situation in WEPA partner countries.

Towards Systemic Change in Urban Sanitation

by IRC


This working paper outlines a 'whole-system approach' to urban sanitation by shifting the focus from building infrastructure or a project-driven implementation approach to providing and maintaining equitable and environmentally friendly services, championed and supported by the government and with sufficient resources allocated to ensure sustainability. The paper uses a step by-step approach to unravel and tackle the very complex circumstances surrounding the need for sanitation in urban areas, particularly in densely populated areas and to the less affluent sectors of society.



Self-powered multi-sensor robots for physical and chemical water quality measurements in real-time to monitor pipelines and water sources for utilities.

UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) Data Portal

by UN-Water


GLAAS provides policy- and decision-makers at all levels with reliable, easily accessible, comprehensive data on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems, including on governance, monitoring, human resources and finance. GLAAS monitors elements of WASH systems that are required to sustain and extend WASH services and systems to all, and especially to the most vulnerable population groups.

Urban Domestic Wastewater Management in Vietnam - Challenges and Opportunities

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


Urban wadis


Urban wadis 2.0 is a small scale urban nature-based solutions (for flood, drought, heatstress and waterquality) that you can find on the open source database with over 14.000 global climate adaptation projects.

Urban WaterGuide: A guide for building sustainable and resilient cities

by The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (now Water Sensitive Cities Australia)


The Australian Government, Australian Water Partnership and the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities partnered to develop a framework to improve water outcomes in international cities and towns, based on Australia’s urban water experience. The result is the Urban WaterGuide, which covers water supply, sanitation, drainage, flooding, waterways and urban liveability, with a cross-cutting focus on gender equality and inclusion. The Guide helps decision makers who are responsible for water supply, sanitation, drainage, flood management and managing natural water bodies in cities and towns, by outlining a set of steps that can be adapted to any geography, and can be used at multiple scales.

Utility Management Simulation Game



The Utility Management Simulation Game (UMSG) has been designed as a learning tool to develop awareness and knowledge of the processes of strategic planning within utilities.