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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 153


by Deltares / World Bank Group


Toolkit for simple assessments of Coastal Problems and Design of Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Solutions

Solinas Integrity


Suite of robotic solutions for wastewater pipeline management and sanitation, including automated septic tank cleaning robots that minimize human contact with sewage.

Sponge Cities by Hanging Water Tank


Our smart solution for the rainwater balance inside the city visualises the challenges off water quantity and quality, matching specific local needs and possibilities.


by ADB


Screening Tool for Energy Evaluation of Projects

Strengthening multi-stakeholder engagement and mutual accountability in water, sanitation and hygiene: Cross-country synthesis

by Sanitation and Water for All, UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures


This report synthesizes research findings on multi-stakeholder platforms and mutual accountability across five countries that received catalytic funds from Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) in 2022. The five countries were Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Niger and Paraguay. This synthesis report identifies common enabling factors that support effective multi-stakeholder collaboration, and common challenges that often inhibit this collaboration. The report also assesses current multi-stakeholder engagement and mutual accountability efforts in each country context, as well as demonstrating how such approaches can support progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6).

Strengthening Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Systems in Asia and the Pacific


The training will support ADB’s executing and implementing agencies and staff to understand, apply and scale up WASH system strengthening towards ensuring sustainable WASH services for everyone.

Surface Water Changes

by Deltares


Assess changes in surface water (e.g. due to accretion, erosion, land reclamation, reservoir construction) based on satellite data

Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox



The SSWM Toolbox is the most extensive collection of knowledge around sustainable sanitation and water management.



AI-enabled digital knowledge companion tool that captures operational, explicit and tacit knowledge to generate problem-solving insights during O&M and incident response scenarios.


by Teredo Analytics


End-to-end acoustic AI solution for detecting event-based pipeline leaks and machinery anomalies using ambient noise