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Reduced water-related risks

Tidal parks

In an around the city of Rotterdam a broad coalition of governmental and non-governmental organisations is working on the restoration of tidal river bank, to restore the estuarine habitats and to improve the environment of the citizens of this port city: The Tidal Parks Programma XL.

Urban wadis

Urban wadis 2.0 is a small scale urban nature-based solutions (for flood, drought, heatstress and waterquality) that you can find on the open source database with over 14.000 global climate adaptation projects.


Digital water and climate solutions with impact: providing water professionals the right information, knowledge and tools to make well-informed decisions for the sustainable management of water resources and a water-safe environment with sufficient clean water for all.


Global coverage, local precision. Satellite-based data and services to optimize agricultural production, support sustainable water management, and assess climate risk.