Privatisation of Sanitation and Sewerage Services - Lessons Learnt from the Philippines
This policy brief re-examines the challenges and constraints facing the Philippines, mostly in the Metro Manila region, in domestic wastewater and septage management, including expansion of the sewerage network and wastewater treatment ratio.
On-Site Management for Domestic Wastewater in Thailand
The aims of this paper are to identify the state of on-site treatment facilities and lessons learnt from on-site management of domestic wastewater in Thailand.
Community-Based Sanitation - Lessons Learned from SANIMAS Programme in Indonesia
The main objective of this policy brief is to review Indonesia’s experience in managing urban wastewater in the context of low sewer coverage, with a special focus on communitybased sanitation programmes, namely SANIMAS.
Decentralised Domestic Wastewater Management in Asia - Challenges and Opportunities
This policy brief investigates on a number of challenges, prospects as well as enabling environment and strategies to support for policymakers, local governments, water professionals and relevant stakeholders in Asia, especially member countries in the Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) network, in searching for efficient and reliable wastewater treatment systems, appropriate management models under their local context, and pursuing their longterm goal of community-wide sanitation improvements.
Toward the Establishment of Sustainable Faecal Sludge Management - Lessons Learned from WEPA Partner Countries and Japan
This Policy Brief has been developed with the aim of: (i) investigating the existing situation and challenges on faecal sludge management in WEPA countries; (ii) identifying enabling factors for introducing and implementing appropriate business models for sustainable faecal sludge management, through selected case studies in WEPA countries; and (iii) initiating discussions on how lessons learned from Japan’s experiences in using Johkasou systems for human waste and faecal sludge management can be introduced to improve the situation in WEPA partner countries.