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Community Voices: An Australian Perspective on Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 22:56

The Australian Water Partnership commissioned Community Voices to provide an Australian perspective on the complexity and challenges of water reform from a community perspective. It represents an important contribution to the Australian water reform journey in addition to the technical and policy reform experiences. The stories of Community Voices in Australia bring to the fore a people and community dimension that is rarely shared but is an incredibly important component of water reform.

BasinGuide: A Guide to River Basin Planning

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 22:52

BasinGuide is a practical reference for undertaking river basin planning based on Australia’s experience in managing water scarcity. This guide presents seven iterative stages for managing water resources by collaboratively establishing plans and governance arrangements to distribute water resources, resolve water disputes, improve water quality, meet energy needs, mitigate floods and adapt to climate change.

Urban WaterGuide: A guide for building sustainable and resilient cities

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 22:48

The Australian Government, Australian Water Partnership and the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities partnered to develop a framework to improve water outcomes in international cities and towns, based on Australia’s urban water experience. The result is the Urban WaterGuide, which covers water supply, sanitation, drainage, flooding, waterways and urban liveability, with a cross-cutting focus on gender equality and inclusion.

Valuing Water: The Australian Perspective. Economic values of water under scarcity in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 22:40

This is one in a series of four reports that examine how the diverse values placed on water have shaped the development and management of water resources in the Murray Darling River Basin. The report explores how changing values have affected the management of scarce water resources in the Murray-Darling River Basin.

Four main phases in water management are described, together with an exploration of how changing perceptions of value have shaped policy, objectives and outcomes over time.

Financial Innovations for Rural Water Supply in Low-Resource Settings

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:13

One of the challenges of providing rural water supply financing is that the populations are smaller, more dispersed, and poorer than their urban counterparts. This may reduce opportunities for economies of scale and complete cost recovery. To overcome these challenges, the REAL-Water program is focusing on identifying innovative and promising financing or funding mechanisms that can be used in small villages and dispersed settlements. This report outlines several innovative financing mechanisms that show potential for benefits exceeding the status quo.

City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA)

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:10

City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA) enables cities, regions and water companies to take a holistic view of their water systems, inform decision-makers of a strategy to take forward and collaboratively build resilience to local water challenges. It provides a detailed step-wise methodology coupled with tools and resources that guide cities to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to share their perspectives; diagnosing what helps and hinders the water system to function when faced with shocks and stresses, and collaboratively develop and implement a water resilience action plan.