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Water Supply and Sanitation Service Providers

Urban WaterGuide: A guide for building sustainable and resilient cities

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 22:48

The Australian Government, Australian Water Partnership and the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities partnered to develop a framework to improve water outcomes in international cities and towns, based on Australia’s urban water experience. The result is the Urban WaterGuide, which covers water supply, sanitation, drainage, flooding, waterways and urban liveability, with a cross-cutting focus on gender equality and inclusion.

The SafePani model: Delivering safe drinking water in schools and healthcare centres in Bangladesh

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:23

This Story of Change presents the SafePani model in Bangladesh which aims to reform existing institutional design and move towards a professional water service delivery model, with timely and independently verified performance metrics unlocking results-based funding, with a focus on schools and healthcare centres.

Financial Innovations for Rural Water Supply in Low-Resource Settings

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:13

One of the challenges of providing rural water supply financing is that the populations are smaller, more dispersed, and poorer than their urban counterparts. This may reduce opportunities for economies of scale and complete cost recovery. To overcome these challenges, the REAL-Water program is focusing on identifying innovative and promising financing or funding mechanisms that can be used in small villages and dispersed settlements. This report outlines several innovative financing mechanisms that show potential for benefits exceeding the status quo.

City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA)

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:10

City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA) enables cities, regions and water companies to take a holistic view of their water systems, inform decision-makers of a strategy to take forward and collaboratively build resilience to local water challenges. It provides a detailed step-wise methodology coupled with tools and resources that guide cities to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to share their perspectives; diagnosing what helps and hinders the water system to function when faced with shocks and stresses, and collaboratively develop and implement a water resilience action plan.

Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA

Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA

As part of its mission to collaboratively advance climate change adaptation, the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA) developed free, in-person technical training and guidance for water utility engineers and decision makers to plan, communicate, and implement climate-resilient strategies within their organizations.


Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience: A Guideline for Project Developers

Submitted by cvilla.consult… on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 12:56

This document aims to guide the design, implementation, and use of studies to value the benefits and costs of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for climate resilience projects. Reliable quantification of the costs and benefits of NBS for climate resilience can facilitate further mainstreaming of these interventions by articulating the value proposition of NBS across sectors, improve impact evaluation, and for identifying additional funding and financing for projects.