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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 14

Accelerating Innovation and Digitalization in Asia and the Pacific

by IH2O Asia


Led by Imagine H2O Asia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Accelerating Innovation and Digitalization in Asia and the Pacific (AID) program—encompassing training, solution matching and testing support, and knowledge sharing—aims to address these obstacles and create opportunities to improve water projects in ADB's developing member countries (DMCs) through innovation and digital transformation.

Asia-Netherlands Water Learning Week

by Netherlands Water Partnership


From 15 to 19 April 2024, the Asia-Netherlands Water Learning Week was held to bring together about 50 representatives from ADB and developing member countries to learn and share knowledge and experiences on nature-based solutions for water resilience.

Australia Learning Week - Digital Technologies for Climate-Resilient Water Sector

by ADB, Australia Water Partnership and Grifith University


This online course will build the capacity of ADB staff and ADB developing member country project teams in the knowledge and use of digital technologies to improve water management and inclusive participation in decision making, in turn contributing to water security and climate change resilience.

Climate Action and Support Transparency Training Adaptation Academy



The CASTT Adaptation Academy aims to enhance the ability of developing countries to conduct vulnerability and adaptation assessments, prepare and report, in timely manner, information resulting from such assessments and the implementation of national adaptation actions, including their Nationally Determined Contributions  for their national communications, biennial update reports, and biennial transparency reports under the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements of the Convention and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement.

Increasing Livability: An Introduction to Smart Cities

by ADB and ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund (AASCTF)


This free online course is ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund's (AASCTF)  first-ever e-learning course, which aims to catalyze people-centric smart city transformation while anchored on the Smart City Analytical Framework of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Through this course, learn how the holistic application of smart strategies and digital solutions can lead to practical, well-planned investments, and thriving cities for all. The course is specially designed for city planners and officials in Asia and the Pacific. It is also relevant for other professionals engaged in urban services, development partners, researchers and students, and others who are interested in applying smart solutions and pursuing people-centered smart city development.

Multi-scale integrated river basin management program

by Australian Consortium led by Griffith University's International WaterCentre


Ten large Asian river basins (the Amu Darya, Indus, Tarim, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze, and Yellow) originate in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region. They supply water to more than 1.3 billion people, a fifth of the world’s population, providing the means for food and energy production, livelihoods and a range of other crucial social and environmental services.

There is a need for Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) in the HKH basins. Building on previous training and the Resource Book developed by ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), this training program seeks to support individuals from across the HKH region, situated in Government and Non-Government roles, to build their understanding of IRBM and their capacity to positively influence RBM in their work.

Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA

by Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA)


As part of its mission to collaboratively advance climate change adaptation, the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA) developed free, in-person technical training and guidance for water utility engineers and decision makers to plan, communicate, and implement climate-resilient strategies within their organizations.

Resilience and Decarbonization: Capacity Building and Roadmap Preparation for Water Utilities

by ADB, Deltares, Globalfields


This training course is a collaboration of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Deltares, Dr. Craig Hart of Johns Hopkins University, and Andreas Biermann of Globalfields.

Strengthening Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Systems in Asia and the Pacific


The training will support ADB’s executing and implementing agencies and staff to understand, apply and scale up WASH system strengthening towards ensuring sustainable WASH services for everyone.

Water Planning and Gender Perspectives in Asia and the Pacific



ADB and UNESCO World Water Program will develop a course designed for representatives from ADB developing member country government agencies, water utilities, and ADB staff to integrate gender perspectives into the water planning and management sectors, including the development and use of gender-disaggregated data on WASH and climate. Participants will also receive training on the UNESCO WWAP Toolkit on Water and Gender. More information coming in Q4 2022.