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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 64


by Aerolion Technologies


Intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or drone) solutions for confined space and underground wastewater tunnel inspection.

AGS Water Solutions


Partnerships with AGS, in different schemes, are a knowledge transfer approach, towards efficiency and sustainability, where utilities can add value, keeping assets ownership and accountability, and rewarding customized services and technology.



Carbon-negative, off-grid biological wastewater treatment solution that produces Euro Class-C water for re-use, soil-conditioner, and bio-methane

Alluvium - Environmental Flow Approach

by Alluvium Group


Finding the balance between environmental protection and development - an innovative approach to assessing environment flow requirements.



Digital solution that utilizes innovative biological algorithms to aid wastewater management
entities and authorities in designing and optimizing their facilities, implementing more resilient and sustainable treatment practices and identifying resource recovery opportunities.



The benefits of holistic approach to NRW reduction applied by Aquapor in Portugal and abroad.

Australian National University


Not only can pumped storage hydropower enable the transition to low carbon electricity grids, it can also help with providing firm power in the Himalayas and offers opportunities for multiple uses to benefit local people.



Cloud-based analytics software for water utilities to provide the best analytics for rational decision making in water loss management, pipe inspection and renewal planning and meter changeout plans.

Charles Sturt University


A collaborative project with the Food and Agriculture Organization to improve water resources management in Indonesia by implementing a spatial analysis framework to identify river connectivity issues.

Clay-ripening Pilot Project


Investigate by which innovative methods, soft sediment can be converted in a profitable manner into usable clay, so that an economic base can be laid under the desired mud extraction on the Eems Dollard estuary.