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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 11 - 20 of 33

Guidelines on Sanitation and Health

by World Health Organization


WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of a range of sanitation interventions and provide a framework for health-protecting sanitation, including policy and governance measures, implementation of sanitation technologies, systems and behavioral interventions, risk-based management, and monitoring approaches. The guidelines articulate the role of the health sector in maximizing the health impact of sanitation interventions. And also identify gaps in the evidence-base to guide future research efforts to improve the effectiveness of sanitation interventions.

Innovation in Water Singapore

by PUB Singapore


Some of PUB's R&D projects are conducted in-house while others are test-bedding projects held in our facilities for performance check. PUB has collaborated on an array of projects in Intelligent Watershed Management, Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality and Security, Network Management and Membrane Technology.

Integrating Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management: A Practitioner’s Guide

by ADB


This guide explores the benefits of using nature-based solutions to promote sustainable and resource-efficient infrastructure.

Locking Carbon in Wetlands: Enhancing Climate Action by Including Wetlands in NDCs

by Alliance for Global Water Adaptation


AGWA, together with Wetlands International, has published the report with three goals in mind: 1) to illustrate the scientific rationale behind the use of wetlands as a climate mitigation tool; 2) to demonstrate the prevalence and function of wetlands across landscapes and geographies; and 3) to provide a set of clear policy recommendations that will enable Parties to the UNFCCC to conserve, restore and wisely use wetlands by incorporating them into their climate mitigation plans. The report and associated policy recommendations are designed to support countries in developing revised and enhanced NDCs that benefit economies, ecosystems, communities and biodiversity through climate-smart wetland management.

Mainstreaming Water Resilience in Asia and the Pacific Guidance Note

by ADB


This guidance note provides specific actions and tools for scaling up and mainstreaming water resilience in Asia and the Pacific through ADB’s operations.

Nature-based Resilience: Confronting the triple planetary crisis of climate change, environmental pollution, and biodiversity loss using freshwater NbS

by Alliance for Global Water Adaptation


Released during UNFCCC COP27 and just ahead of COP 15.2 to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in late 2022, the report presents case study examples, rationale, and recommendations for maximizing synergies between national climate and biodiversity agendas to tackle the triple planetary crisis.

On-Site Management for Domestic Wastewater in Thailand

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


The aims of this paper are to identify the state of on-site treatment facilities and lessons learnt from on-site management of domestic wastewater in Thailand.

Political Economy of Water Management and Community Perceptions in the Pacific Island Countries

by The Asia Foundation


The purpose of this report is to contextualise the unique characteristics of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and identify some roadblocks to achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation.

Portable reuse: Guidance for producing safe drinking-water

by WHO and PUB Singapore


The guidance is intended for use by drinking-water suppliers and regulators who are familiar with the WHO’s Guidelines for drinking-water quality and, in particular, the framework for safe drinking-water, including water safety plans. This publication may also be useful to others with an interest in potable reuse including environmental health and water resource professionals.

Privatisation of Sanitation and Sewerage Services - Lessons Learnt from the Philippines

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


This policy brief re-examines the challenges and constraints facing the Philippines, mostly in the Metro Manila region, in domestic wastewater and septage management, including expansion of the sewerage network and wastewater treatment ratio. This brief also provides good lessons learnt for water professionals and policymakers in the water supply and sanitation sector – not only in other cities and municipalities of the Philippines but also in other Southeast Asian countries – on how decentralised approaches as well as privatisation policy have greatly assisted in improved wastewater and septage management in the Philippines.