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Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

Asian Water Development Outlook (AWDO) Dashboard

by ADB


AWDO is ADB's flagship water publication. The AWDO Dashboard is an interactive platfoemd for the visualization of five key dimensions to quantify water security in Asia and the Pacific. 

City Service Delivery Assessment for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation - Tool and User Guide

by Inclusive sanitation in Practice, 2019


The City Service Delivery Assessment (CSDA) complements the Shit Flow Diagrams to assess why the situation is as it is. It provides a process for working with stakeholders to assess the enabling environment for citywide inclusive sanitation and to present the results in a simple and accessible way. The CSDA User Guide explains how the CSDA tool works and provides recommendations on how to use it with stakeholders.

City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA)

by Arup and Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)


City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA) enables cities, regions and water companies to take a holistic view of their water systems, inform decision-makers of a strategy to take forward and collaboratively build resilience to local water challenges. It provides a detailed step-wise methodology coupled with tools and resources that guide cities to bring a wide range of stakeholders together to share their perspectives; diagnosing what helps and hinders the water system to function when faced with shocks and stresses, and collaboratively develop and implement a water resilience action plan. CWRA and the associated tools are globally applicable.

City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Services Assessment and Planning (CWIS SAP) Tool

by Athena Infonomics, in collaboration with Eastern and Southern Africa Water and Sanitation Regulators Association and Aguaconsult


The CWIS SAP tool helps decision-makers compare the outcomes of different sanitation interventions or investments. The tool analyzes and illustrates how each proposed intervention is likely to affect the equity, financial sustainability and safety of sanitation services in an urban area. The CWIS SAP tool is designed in collaboration with regulators and service providers to assist in evaluating a variety of options and prioritizing those that cost-effectively and equitably expand access to safely managed sanitation

Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning (CLUES)

by Eawag-Sandec, UN-Habitat, Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council


The CLUES approach presents comprehensive guidelines for the planning and implementation of environmental sanitation infrastructure and services in disenfranchised urban and peri-urban communities. The planning approach builds on a framework which balances the needs of people with those of the environment to support human dignity and a healthy life. CLUES is a multi-sector and multi-actor approach accounting for water supply, sanitation, solid waste management and storm drainage. It emphasizes the participation of all stakeholders from an early stage in the planning process. CLUES contains 30 different tools to support the environmental sanitation planning processes at the local level.


by Liemberger & Partners GmbH


EasyCalc helps water utilities and consultants properly apply the IWA Water Loss Specialist Group Methodology. During the last 10 years it has become the preferred NRW analysis tool for water utilities around the world.

Sanitation 21

by International Water Association (IWA)


Sanitation 21 presents a planning framework for improving city-wide inclusive sanitation services based on international best practices. Initially developed in 2006, this updated version builds on recent experiences where good planning has formed an integral part of achieving improvements in urban sanitation. The document sets out key principles and process guidelines to help city stakeholders develop appropriate and affordable solutions to sanitation problems, taking into account technology issues, management arrangements, institutional challenges and demands for improvement from different stakeholders.

Sanitation Safety Planning (second edition)

by World Health Organization


This Sanitation safety planning (SSP) manual provides practical, step-by-step guidance to assist in the implementation of the 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on sanitation and health and the 2006 WHO Guidelines for safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. The approach and tools should be applied to all sanitary systems to ensure that they are managed to meet health objectives. The SSP manual is targeted at a variety of users at different levels including; health authorities and regulators, local authorities, sanitation utility managers, sanitation enterprises and farmers, community-based organizations, farmers associations and nongovernmental organizations.

Sanitation Safety Planning Learning Hub

by World Health Organization


With the aim of encourage the implementation of Sanitation Safety Planning, the World Health Organization presents this online platform for practitioners and trainers with the learning resources required to launch Sanitation Safety Planning processes at local level.

Shit Flow Diagram

by SuSAnA


The SFD is a diagnostic tool that helps to identify the aspects of sanition and FSM service delivery where improvements are needed.