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Learning Repository

Explore the Water Resilience Hub’s curated tools and resources by target audience, thematic area, or material type.

Displaying 31 - 40 of 153

Community-Based Sanitation - Lessons Learned from SANIMAS Programme in Indonesia

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


The main objective of this policy brief is to review Indonesia’s experience in managing urban wastewater in the context of low sewer coverage, with a special focus on communitybased sanitation programmes, namely SANIMAS. Based on this experience, positive outcomes will be identified and shared among policymakers and water professionals of local and national governments, potential international donor agencies, as well as entities from other countries planning to mainstream community-based sanitation as a sustainable sanitation solution for the urban poor in other densely populated areas of Asia.

Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning (CLUES)

by Eawag-Sandec, UN-Habitat, Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council


The CLUES approach presents comprehensive guidelines for the planning and implementation of environmental sanitation infrastructure and services in disenfranchised urban and peri-urban communities. The planning approach builds on a framework which balances the needs of people with those of the environment to support human dignity and a healthy life. CLUES is a multi-sector and multi-actor approach accounting for water supply, sanitation, solid waste management and storm drainage. It emphasizes the participation of all stakeholders from an early stage in the planning process. CLUES contains 30 different tools to support the environmental sanitation planning processes at the local level.

Consultant Capacity Development (ConCaD)

by eawag


Consultant Capacity Development is an open-source training materials and a wide array of resources to build the capacities of private sector consulting firms and individual consultants in how to conceptualize, plan, design and supervise the implementation of citywide inclusive urban sanitation (CWIS) services.

Cultural heritage landscapes restoration


A landscape-based regional design approach for the preservation and development of resilient, biodiverse and climate adaptive cultural heritage landscapes

Cultural perception of Nature-Based Solutions


An insight into cultural perception of NBS around the Hedwige-Prosperpolder in the Netherlands.

CWAS: Blended finance for sanitation PPPs


Blended finance to support public-private partnerships (PPPs) for financing across sanitation service chain

Decentralised Domestic Wastewater Management in Asia - Challenges and Opportunities

by Water Environment Partnership in Asia


This policy brief investigates on a number of challenges, prospects as well as enabling environment and strategies to support for policymakers, local governments, water professionals and relevant stakeholders in Asia, especially member countries in the Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) network, in searching for efficient and reliable wastewater treatment systems, appropriate management models under their local context, and pursuing their longterm goal of community-wide sanitation improvements.

Digitalising Water - Sharing Singapore's Experience

by PUB Singapore


The report outlines PUB’s vision and provides examples of some of its digital initiatives. Here, digital becomes an integral vector in an integrated water management approach.



Lifecycle management software for wastewater treatment that optimizes and automates workflows for end-to-end plant operations.

Dredged sediment management and reuse


Two birds with one stone: Employing artificially enhanced silicate weathering for both CO2 sequestration and dredged sediment management.