Andreas specializes in climate finance, climate change, sustainable energy project development and management and energy policy, with cross-cutting experience in sustainable finance. Having worked for large multilateral development organizations such as GCF and EBRD, he has established a strong network of high-level contacts through the multilateral climate finance world, including in particular the Climate Investment Funds, the Global Environment Facility, and the Green Climate Fund. Since becoming an independent consultant 2 years ago, he has turned his expertise towards support for development agencies and MDBs in developing climate projects, including peer review of work undertaken by technical specialists to ensure it is in line with the requirements of the donor, and strategy development. His work at the Green Climate Fund was also centered around the review of funding proposals and the development of strategic approaches at sector level. He has a unique perspective on MDB climate operations, and could offer insights from over a decade of service in the field of climate finance to strengthen ADB's Integration of Climate Resilience in the Water Sector.